Thursday, April 11, 2013

Educational Technologies

Technology and advancements in technology are creating changes in the way that education and training are being provided to learners and on the overall development of training programs (Ahmad, 2010).  Many organizations are implementing training programs that leverage technology.  Using technology in a training environment requires collaboration between the training team and the technology team.  However, with the implementation of technology over the last several years, organizations have seen decreased costs associated with developing and delivering training courses (Dede & Palombo, 2004).  There are four selected technologies that have influenced the field of adult education and training.  The technologies are computer-based training (CBT), distance learning, multimedia training, and intelligent tutoring systems (Noe, 2010). 
Computer-based training (CBT) is a more interactive learning experience in which learners use computers that provide content, simulations, and case studies that learners provide responses and then the computer analyzes the results of the learners decisions (Noe, 2010).  Based on the decisions made the computer can provide feedback.  The advantages of CBT are that it is accessible at anytime and anywhere for the learner.  The audience for the course can be broad or specialized based on the desired learning objectives.  Additionally, the training can be delivered to all geographical locations.  The practical application of the content, feedback, assessment of decisions made by the learner, and other features of a classroom setting can be built into the learning environment of the computer training program (Dede et al., 2004).    
Intelligent tutoring systems are an instructional system using artificial intelligence (Noe, 2010).  The tutoring program is a way to structure the learning environment in which the content and instruction being provided to learners is tailored to the learner’s needs.  The tutoring approach focuses on one content domain at a time in which the learner is able to increase their understating of that content area before moving on to the next content area.  ITS can decide, based on the learner’s previous performance, what information to provide to the learner to ensure that they understand the content being presented (Dede et al., 2004).  Finally, self-assessments are provided and based on the results additionally information can be provided for the learner (Noe, 2010).
Distance learning is typically used by organizations that have many different geographical locations in which learning and information needs to be provided to multiple learners that are spread out around the globe (Noe, 2010).  Information about an organization’s products, new products being implemented, policies, and procedures can be provided to learners at the same time using the distance learning feature.  The benefit of using distance learning is that there is a two-way communication between the educator and the learners in the multiple locations (Ahmad, 2010).  There are two types of technology that are involved in using distance learning and they are teleconferencing and individualized, personal-computer-based training.  Distance learning uses various forms of technology that allows the learners to be able to interact with each other and the educator at the same time while being in different locations (Noe, 2010).
Finally, multimedia training is a form of training that uses two different training approaches; one is audiovisual along with computer-based training (Noe, 2010).  Multimedia training programs can incorporate graphics, animation, audio, and visual to help enhance the learning process.  The learner is able to interact with the content as the training is computer-based which helps learners to find a greater connection to the content being presented.  The delivery method for multimedia is flexible as it can be delivered using   video, the internet, or an organizations intranet (Barkley, 2010).  Learners are provided with built-in guidance programs that give the learners immediate feedback. 
The four selected technologies all have the opportunity to continue to influence how individuals learn because the learning can be interactive while being provided at any time anywhere (Barkley, 2010).  Additionally, while conducting the training the learner is able to get immediate feedback and identify where additional training may be required.  Technology is always changing and being updated which means that it will only become more interactive for the learner.  Currently, one disadvantage to online training is that some of it is not interactive for the learner.  Adult learners want to be able to apply previous experience and knowledge to current learning situations (Dede et al., 2004).  With distance learning, multimedia, and intelligence tutoring, these provide more interaction for the learner while incorporating technology into the course.  However, as technology continues to expand the level of interactivity will continue to grow which will continue to motivate the learner.  The technologies selected allow learning to become a more dynamic process for the educator and the learners.  Recently the learning environment has expanded to include greater interaction between learners and the training content which means that technology is helping to expand the environment for which learning can take place. 
Ahmad, N., & Orton, P. (2010). Smartphones make IBM smarter, but not as expected. Training and Development, 64(1), 46–50.
Barkley, E. F. (2010). Student engagement techniques: A handbook for college faculty. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Dede, C., & Palombo, M. (2004). Virtual worlds for learning: Exploring the future of the "Alice in Wonderland" interface. Threshold: Exploring the Future of Education: 16-20.
Noe, R. A. (2010). Employee training and development (5th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.


  1. Christie – I had not heard much about intelligent tutoring systems so I am glad you included it as one of the training technologies in your list. I foresee a great potential for training and other applications using artificial intelligence (AI) as it develops more and the real benefit to learners, as you point out is the ability to tailor the training to each person’s needs. This makes training personal and more efficient, not having to wait for others in a class to “catch up”. So far AI is one technology that has lagged behind others; a device that “thinks for itself” and adapts to accomplish specific goals based on input. Even the best AI units today will give the appearance of intelligence but the limitations of the programming are eventually revealed showing the artificial nature of the device.
    You also hit on one of the advantages of interactive technological training methods and that is the ability for the trainee to receive instant feedback and coaching. I agree with you that as interactivity increases, so will learner engagement, meaning-making and therefore motivation.

  2. Christie - I found your information very interesting particularly in the artificial intelligence and telecommunications. I have not had an experience utilizing telecommunications for training purposes. One of the factors to think of when choosing any training technology is the advantages and disadvantages of each. Understanding the needs of the program and type of learners is very important. With each type of program choice, there are limitations when technology is utilized. Programming for the technology will need advancements in order to excel. In addition, time must be spent with individuals to educate and train them to operate the systems in place.

  3. thanks a lot!!! it will surely help everyone.. All the Best...
    ACC 561 Final Exam
